Our Mission

The Church is the mystical union of all believers with Christ as its head through which He operates, saves souls, reveals God’s nature and will to men, and does mighty works, thus glorifying the Father who is in Heaven (Ephesians 1:22,23; 5:32; Galatians 1.25; Romans 12:14-21; 1 Corinthians 12:12-14).

The Christian Church

According to the New Testament, it iss an inclusive company of baptized believers, called out from the world, and organized on a definite plan in order to accomplish God’s divine purposes and through which the ordinances and sacraments are administered.

UHCA, Inc's Mission

It is to promote Christian doctrine, values, and fellowship for the purpose of extending Holiness throughout the world through the teaching and preaching of the Word and the establishing of programs and activities which minister to the temporal as well as the spiritual needs of humankind.

Implementing our Mission

We believe that it is necessary to effect appropriate organizational structures, to exercise discipline, to elect and sustain officers, to acquire, hold, and bequeath property, and to superintend the distribution of financial resources as we bear witness to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in obedience to His Great Commission.

We Will Succeed

We are prayerful for guidance from God and the leadership he has anointed. We are confident God will be glorified and will lend His divine hand in assisting us to victory.

Updates from our President

Mid Year Conference information

Greensboro, NC - October 8-10, 2024


Upcoming Events

We're always on the move. View recent flyers for the events and services promoted through UHCA, Inc.

Recent Publications

Current Holiness Union Issue

Summer 2024

We Love Our Leaders

UHCA Inc is blessed to have dedicated Bishops, called by God to guide us along His plan

Presiding Prelate: Bishop Greg K. Hargrave

Reverend Hargrave is the pastor of Gospel Tabernacle United Holy Church in BurlintonNC. He has remained here for over 32 years. He has attended the Jones School of Religion, Alamance Davidson Community Colleges and is a honor graduate of Winston Salem State University. He has also received two Master's degrees, an MA, Biblical Studies and  an M-Div in Christian Ministry from Carolina Graduate School of Divinity. He received the Doctor of Ministry Degree in May 2013.

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Vice President: Bishop Kenneth White

White was nurtured and groomed in the United Holy Church of America. His foundation and initial training was at Greater Faith Tabernacle United Holy Church in Bordentown, NJ. Out of his obedience to his parents an ultimately to God, Bishop White grew in Faith, took on leadership roles in the church, and has become well known around the world as a prodigious preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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2nd Vice President: Bishop J. Derrick Johnson
Native of Washington, DC, he is the senior pastor of Gospel Tabernacle Church which is a growing multi-cultural church in the city of Columbus, OH. Before coming to Columbus, he assisted his father and pastor in ministry for 13 years in Washington, DC. In 2003, he succeeded the presiding bishop of the United Holy Church of America as pastor of Gospel Tabernacle. With a vision of "Transforming Hearts, Families and Communities," he has led the church in establishing several new ministries.

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Dunstan Road Project

Assist the General Church in the purchase and development of property adjacent to The UHCA General Headquarters Building. A contribution of $40 from 5,000 members will help us reach our goal!!!

“Expanding the Vision”

Send your contribution to
P. O. Box 2923 Burlington, NC 27216
Cashpp $UHCAINC or Givelify/Dunstan Road Property


UHCA has entered a new era: the age of anytime, anywhere giving!